
Saturday Dec 17, 2022
Saturday Dec 17, 2022
On this quick episode Kevin & Pete chat about Kevin's mule deer hunt, which turned into an all day blood tracking episode. The two also get into late season whitetail plans and moose troubles.As always be sure to check out our sponsors and use the promo codes...https://akuoutdoor.ca/ Use Promocode FOCUS for 15% off Hunting & Military Bootshttps://akuoutdoor.us/ Use Promocode FOCUS for 15% off Hunting & Military Bootshttps://www.treelineacademy.net/ use promocode "FOCUS22" and get $20USD off the courseElk101.com | Dedicated to Elk Hunting Information use the promocode "focus" and receive 20% off the online courseBackroad Mapbooks | Your Adventure Maps for hiking, fishing, camping, off-roading, hunting, paddling and more! use the promo code "focus" for 10% off your orderThis episode of the Focus Hunting Podcast is brought to you by:Home Vortex Canadahttps://www.howlforwildlife.org/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
On this episode Kevin & Pete chat about hunting in a hot October. Kevin talks about the his massive Bull Elk and the guys get into dealing with meat and how to avoid meat spoil in the hotter temperatures.As always be sure to check out our sponsors and use the promo codes...https://akuoutdoor.ca/ Use Promocode FOCUS for 15% off Hunting & Military Bootshttps://akuoutdoor.us/ Use Promocode FOCUS for 15% off Hunting & Military Bootshttps://www.treelineacademy.net/ use promocode "FOCUS22" and get $20USD off the courseElk101.com | Dedicated to Elk Hunting Information use the promocode "focus" and receive 20% off the online courseBackroad Mapbooks | Your Adventure Maps for hiking, fishing, camping, off-roading, hunting, paddling and more! use the promo code "focus" for 10% off your orderThis episode of the Focus Hunting Podcast is brought to you by:Home Vortex Canadahttps://www.howlforwildlife.org/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Thursday Oct 27, 2022
Thursday Oct 27, 2022
On this episode Kevin & Pete are joined by Kenton Clairmont, founder of Train to Hunt. Kenton shares his background story and his journey leading to Train-to-Hunt. As most hunters know the backcountry can be unforgiving, physical fatigue leads to mental fatigue, and if we aren't in the hunt mentally it's all over, Kenton explains how his Train-to-hunt program can better prepare us physically and mentally. For more information on Train to Hunt and Kenton check out....https://traintohunt.com/https://www.instagram.com/traintohunt/?hl=enhttps://www.facebook.com/traintohunt/photos/?ref=page_internalAs always be sure to check out our sponsors and use the promo codes...https://akuoutdoor.ca/ Use Promocode FOCUS for 15% off Hunting & Military Bootshttps://akuoutdoor.us/ Use Promocode FOCUS for 15% off Hunting & Military Bootshttps://www.treelineacademy.net/ use promocode "FOCUS22" and get $20USD off the courseElk101.com | Dedicated to Elk Hunting Information use the promocode "focus" and receive 20% off the online courseBackroad Mapbooks | Your Adventure Maps for hiking, fishing, camping, off-roading, hunting, paddling and more! use the promo code "focus" for 10% off your orderThis episode of the Focus Hunting Podcast is brought to you by:Home Vortex Canadahttps://www.howlforwildlife.org/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Thursday Oct 06, 2022
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
On this episode Kevin and Pete review the past month of hunting, the highs, the lows, mental challenges, success's and failures. Having yet to cut their own tags there are both blessed to be part of family cutting a pair of firsts, a first Moose and a first Black Bear. Animal road fatality, upcoming hunts and shows plus a bit extra.As always be sure to check out our sponsors and use the promo codes...https://akuoutdoor.ca/ Use Promocode FOCUS for 15% off Hunting & Military Bootshttps://akuoutdoor.us/ Use Promocode FOCUS for 15% off Hunting & Military Bootshttps://www.treelineacademy.net/ use promocode "FOCUS22" and get $20USD off the courseElk101.com | Dedicated to Elk Hunting Information use the promocode "focus" and receive 20% off the online courseBackroad Mapbooks | Your Adventure Maps for hiking, fishing, camping, off-roading, hunting, paddling and more! use the promo code "focus" for 10% off your orderThis episode of the Focus Hunting Podcast is brought to you by:Home Vortex Canadahttps://www.howlforwildlife.org/Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Saturday Sep 03, 2022
Saturday Sep 03, 2022
On this episode we are joined by Mike Edgehouse, co-founder of Credo Outdoors. Mike along with partner Adrian have harnessed their extensive background in anatomy and passion for hunting and dedicated it into teaching others the intricacies and techniques of field dressing and butchering their kill. Mike shares his story and explains how this idea turned into what it is now today. Just in time for hunting season he gives us some tips on how to deal with our kill and processing the meat.For more on Credo and Mike go to...https://www.credooutdoors.org/https://www.instagram.com/credooutdoors/https://www.instagram.com/mikeedgehouse/https://www.instagram.com/cutritemobile/As always be sure to check out our sponsors and use the promo codes...https://akuoutdoor.ca/ Use Promocode FOCUS for 15% off Hunting & Military Bootshttps://akuoutdoor.us/ Use Promocode FOCUS for 15% off Hunting & Military Bootshttps://www.treelineacademy.net/ use promocode "FOCUS22" and get $20USD off the courseElk101.com | Dedicated to Elk Hunting Information use the promocode "focus" and receive 20% off the online courseBackroad Mapbooks | Your Adventure Maps for hiking, fishing, camping, off-roading, hunting, paddling and more! use the promo code "focus" for 10% off your orderThis episode of the Focus Hunting Podcast is brought to you by:Home Vortex Canadahttps://www.howlforwildlife.org/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Saturday Aug 20, 2022
Saturday Aug 20, 2022
On this episode we get into this new issue of Conservation Officer's in BC being under attack by an animal rights organization. We talk troubled bears, archery, fitness and talk about the up coming season.https://www.instagram.com/kevin__toye/?hl=enhttps://www.instagram.com/kootenayoutdooradventures/?hl=enAs always be sure to check out our sponsors and use the promo codes...https://akuoutdoor.ca/ Use Promocode FOCUS for 15% off Hunting & Military Bootshttps://akuoutdoor.us/ Use Promocode FOCUS for 15% off Hunting & Military Bootshttps://www.treelineacademy.net/ use promocode "FOCUS22" and get $20USD off the courseElk101.com | Dedicated to Elk Hunting Information use the promocode "focus" and receive 20% off the online courseBackroad Mapbooks | Your Adventure Maps for hiking, fishing, camping, off-roading, hunting, paddling and more! use the promo code "focus" for 10% off your orderThis episode of the Focus Hunting Podcast is brought to you by:Home Vortex Canadahttps://www.howlforwildlife.org/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
On this episode Kevin & Pete are joined again by Greg Poole. As talked about in the previous episode with Greg, he is the best in the business when it comes to bow tuning. Greg talks about the importance of cam timing, shimming cams, line tuning just to start. We get into some Q & A's to discuss shooting with one eye open vs two. Target or pin - what should you be focusing on? Hunting Bow set-ups. Sighting in for field points, broadheads or both. Just a whole bunch of great info. Be sure to check out episode #85 to get the lowdown on Greg....For more on Greg go to....http://bowjunky.com/@biggregpoolehttps://www.facebook.com/Bowjunkymedia/photos/?ref=page_internalAs always be sure to check out our sponsors and use the promo codes...https://akuoutdoor.ca/ Use Promocode FOCUS for 15% off Hunting & Military Bootshttps://akuoutdoor.us/ Use Promocode FOCUS for 15% off Hunting & Military Bootshttps://www.treelineacademy.net/ use promocode "FOCUS22" and get $20USD off the courseElk101.com | Dedicated to Elk Hunting Information use the promocode "focus" and receive 20% off the online courseThis episode of the Focus Hunting Podcast is brought to you by:Home Vortex Canada Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
On this episode Kevin & Pete are joined by Brad Clemens. Brad is an experienced Bow Hunter whose has the opportunity to create a career in the outdoor industry. Brad shares his story and his journey as a bow hunter. Brad is in pursuit of tagging 45 North American animals this year, which is more than most of us tag out in a lifetime. Brad chats about the Bow Hunting League and the conversation turns to Mule Deer as Kevin and Brad talk about the hardship in targeting big muley bucks. As the title mentions Pete take's it a bit in this one, which is all in good fun....For more on Brad go to.....https://www.instagram.com/the_traveling_bow_hunter/https://www.facebook.com/brad.clemens.5264As always be sure to check out our sponsors and use the promo codes...https://akuoutdoor.ca/ Use Promocode FOCUS for 15% off Hunting & Military Bootshttps://akuoutdoor.us/ Use Promocode FOCUS for 15% off Hunting & Military Bootshttps://www.treelineacademy.net/ use promocode "FOCUS22" and get $20USD off the courseElk101.com | Dedicated to Elk Hunting Information use the promocode "focus" and receive 20% off the online courseBackroad Mapbooks | Your Adventure Maps for hiking, fishing, camping, off-roading, hunting, paddling and more! use the promo code "focus" for 10% off your orderThis episode of the Focus Hunting Podcast is brought to you by:Home Vortex Canadahttps://www.howlforwildlife.org/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Thursday Jul 21, 2022
Thursday Jul 21, 2022
Focus On Wildlife Part 2. Howl for Wildlife's Call to action center. On this episode our neighbors to the south are facing a real shocker of a bill to "GUT" the Pittman-Robertson fund. The Pittman-Robertson fund was established in 1937. This piece of legislation took an existing excise tax on firearms and reallocated the proceeds to a grant fund for state wildlife agencies. It established a program of matching federal grants to the states for “wildlife restoration projects.” The Pittman-Robertson Act required states, as a condition of receiving funding, to enact laws prohibiting the “diversion” of license fees paid by hunters for any purpose other than administration of their state wildlife agency. Every state did as required. While this established a reliable funding source for state wildlife agencies, it also created an incentive for the agencies to maximize hunting license sales. Anywhere else in the world, especially up here in Canada, would dream of having something like this in place.Please support this Action, tomorrow it might be your fight...https://www.howlforwildlife.org/ and take action.As always be sure to check out our sponsors and use the promo codes...https://akuoutdoor.ca/ Use Promocode FOCUS for 15% off Hunting & Military Bootshttps://akuoutdoor.us/ Use Promocode FOCUS for 15% off Hunting & Military Bootshttps://www.treelineacademy.net/ use promocode "FOCUS22" and get $20USD off the courseElk101.com | Dedicated to Elk Hunting Information use the promocode "focus" and receive 20% off the online courseBackroad Mapbooks | Your Adventure Maps for hiking, fishing, camping, off-roading, hunting, paddling and more! use the promo code "focus" for 10% off your orderThis episode of the Focus Hunting Podcast is brought to you by:Home Vortex Canadahttps://www.howlforwildlife.org/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Monday Jul 04, 2022
Monday Jul 04, 2022
On this episode we are joined by Greg Poole. Greg is well known in the hunting industry and archery world, specifically when it comes to bow tuning and shot fundamentals. Greg shares with us his story on how he got into the Archery world and explains the importance of consistent shooting. Greg also talks about how 3D tournament shooting makes a better hunter, we talk about the professional shooters and what makes them pro's. We talk about Greg's Bow Junkie Media, tons of great information in this episode on hand torque, releases and a whole bunch more.For more on Greg Poole got to...http://bowjunky.com/https://www.facebook.com/Bowjunkymedia/photos/?ref=page_internalAs always be sure to check out our sponsors and use the promo codes...https://akuoutdoor.ca/ Use Promocode FOCUS for 15% off Hunting & Military Bootshttps://akuoutdoor.us/ Use Promocode FOCUS for 15% off Hunting & Military Bootshttps://www.treelineacademy.net/ use promocode "FOCUS22" and get $20USD off the courseElk101.com | Dedicated to Elk Hunting Information use the promocode "focus" and receive 20% off the online courseThis episode of the Focus Hunting Podcast is brought to you by:Home Vortex Canada Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices